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NZ - APLYiD Training Guide
NZ - APLYiD Training Guide
Updated over a week ago

Creating & Managing Users

How to add a new User to APLYiD

  1. Click on the ‘Preferences’ tab under ‘Control System’ down the left-hand side.

  1. Click on ‘Create Account’.

  1. Complete the Users details.

  1. Choose from the following four roles:

Company Admin: A Company Admin can manage the company information, invite users to create accounts, initiate verifications, and view and download every verification from every user.

AML Supervisor: An AML Supervisor can initiate verifications, view and download every verification from every user. This account will be notified for every completed verification. If you want someone to manage every aspect of your AML, this is the kind of account they should have.

Agent: An agent can initiate verifications, will be notified when their own verifications are completed, and can view and download their own verifications.

(This is the default account for standard users.)

Initiator: An Initiator must be assigned to an Agent. An Initiator can only start the verification process, and their assigned Agent will be notified upon completion of each verification.

The assigned Agent can then view and download the results.

How can I remove/suspend users from APLYiD

1. Click on the ‘Preferences’ tab under ‘Control System’ down the left-hand side.

2. Click on ‘Accounts’

3. Search for the User in the search bar at the top of the page

4. On the right hand-side click “Actions” against the user

5. Select either ‘Suspend’ or ‘Delete’

In most cases we would recommend suspending the account over deleting it.

Suspending an account will revoke access but keep any pending checks active and any completed checks under that user, in the system.

Deletion will render any pending checks invalid and will also remove any completed checks under that user along with any archived check records under that user.

Sending Verifications & Finding Results

How do I send a verification text to a client?

  1. When you login to APLYiD, the first page will be a ‘Send SMS’ page. You can also navigate here from within the portal by going ‘Biometric’ -> ‘Verify’.

  1. Enter your client’s details as prompted. If sending an SMS internationally, ensure that you have entered the correct country code (eg. 61 for Australia).

  1. Enter a reference. This is an internal only reference, to enable you to group individuals by account. This reference will be searchable and will help you group and locate each transaction in the Completed, Pending or Archived tabs.

My client has completed the verification; where can I find the results?

If notifications are enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the user responsible, containing a link which directs straight to the completed verification. Alternatively, log into APLYiD and:

  1. Click on the ‘Biometric’ tab on the left-hand side

  1. Click on ‘Completed’, all your transactions that have been completed by a client and are ready for review/download will be here.

Interpreting Results

Result Overview

This provides a high-level overview of a Pass/Fail for each of the main checks that are completed. If the result is a Review, the agent is required to review the verification details and manually pass or fail the verification. If it has been reviewed, the result will include an eye symbol.

Scanned Document: These are the images of the ID document captured during the session.

Report: PDF download of the transaction results for record-keeping purposes. Note: Once the PDF is downloaded, all data will be deleted in the next 5 minutes and will no longer be accessible.

Notes: If the verification result is a review, the agent will be required to review the result and leave notes as to whether the verification is accepted or rejected. These notes will be added to the PDF report for auditing purposes.

Name: Name of the agent performing the AML check for audit purposes.

Extracted Data: This is the information that has been extracted from the ID document.

Video: This is a version of the video streamed by the customer during the Biometric.

Pass Result

For verification to pass your clients Name must match against two or more data sources One of these must be a government source (NZTA or DIA), DOB must match against a government source (NZTA or DIA) and Address against one or more.

When you get a pass result all you need to do is download the verification and save the PDF. Most of your verifications will come back as a pass.

Review result

A review means you need to look at the verification before approving or rejecting the verification. Anytime you get a review you will need to look at the result overview section; this will let you know what tab you need to review (Biometrics, Tampering, Location or APLYiD/AML). You will also need to leave some notes before you are able to download the verification.

When you get a pass result all you need to do is download the verification and save the PDF. Most of your verifications will come back as a pass.

APLYiD/AML Review Examples

No Independent Data Match

In this example, the user’s name & DOB matches in the NZTA database, however, those details do not match up in any of the independent datasets. This will happen when the user has not applied for credit in the last 3 years, does not have utility bills in their name & does not own a property. You will need to ask the user for extra information so you can confirm the Name DOB and Address of your client.

No Address Match

The user’s name and DOB match for both the independent data sets and the government trusted data sets, but, the user’s address does not match in any of the independent data sets. This will happen if the user provides a different address to what their providers have on file (moving recently, etc.) You will need to ask the user for a proof of address document to support the biometric verification.

Name mismatch

The user’s name is showing as not matching against the NZTA database. This will happen if the extracted information does not match the information on the user’s drivers’ licence exactly. Middle names being entered as first names, incorrectly placed hyphen’s, etc. will result in failure. To check the details captured, go back to the overview page, and cross-reference the name on the licence and the name in the extracted data. Once you have found the error you can edit this information by clicking the ‘Edit’ button next to extracted data:

Once you have edited the information click submit, this will then change the verification from a review to a pass.

This may also occur if the user doesn’t commonly use their legal name in everyday life or they have changed their name but not updated their ID Document.

Tampering Checks

The tampering check technology is one of the additional measures mentioned in the Identity Verification Code of Practice. We are giving you the ability to check the authenticity of the ID the user is providing. If any of the tampering checks fail, the check will be put into a ‘Review’ stage (see above), where you are able to eyeball the licence yourself and decide whether to Approve or Reject the verification. Excessive glare or shadows on the ID itself may also trigger the tampering checks, hence why it isn’t an automatic failure. If you have any queries regarding the legitimacy of an ID, then don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Below you’ll find an outline of the different types of Tampering Checks, what they’re looking for and what may cause them to flag.

Detail Check

There is an error with the ID Document captured.

This could be due to one of the following:

Measurements of the ID Document and text do not match exactly to those on a real ID card
Please check for fields that look out of place, or if the document is fake. Long names or addresses could flag this unintentionally.

Font and text on the card may be inconsistent or incorrect
Please check to make sure the text looks consistent and hasn't been changed anywhere.

Colours on the card may not be correct
Please check the symbols and colours look real, or if the document looks fake.

Document Integrity

There is a problem with the ID captured.

Some reasons for this, may include:

The ID document is damaged or not entirely in the shot.

The ID document is not present and is instead a photocopy or a photo of the ID card.

Please ensure the ID provided is clean, fully captured in the shot, and that the photo taken is of the physical ID itself.

Image Composition

We suspect that the image is not Live and Present.

Some scenarios that trigger this flag include:

The ID presented is captured on a screen
Check for pixilation’s or evidence of a computer screen - screen edges, mouse cursor.

The ID presented is a photocopy or image
Check to see if the ID is printed on a piece of paper or is black and white.

Photo Check

The system has picked up a potential issue with the portrait photos on the DL.

This flag is raised because the system is detecting that a separate image has been placed over the original profile photo.

Please check that there are no: exposed edges or shadows around the face or image, or a difference in surface texture/glossiness over the face.

Biometric Review Example

The biometrics is looking to do two things; match the face of the user completing the verification with the one printed on the license, as well as confirm liveness.

Fail Result Examples

Liveness Fail

The liveness test ensures that a real live user has completed the APLYiD process; this is done via a selfie video where the user is asked to complete certain gestures. If they fail, you can watch the video they’ve taken and make your own assessment as to whether you are happy to accept the check.

Biometric Fail

If your client fails the Biometric face match, this means we have not been able to match the user with the photo on the ID. This is often due to either poor camera quality, excessive back lighting/poor lighting conditions or the user is not the owner of the ID.

What happens if I get a failed PEP check?

Under the PEP “sanctions and adverse media clear” of the data tab, you will be presented with an addition option, allowing you to download the PEP report.

From this you will be able to determine if the user is in fact the cause of the failure or whether it is a false positive.

A false positive can occur if the user shares the same name and roughly the same date of birth as an individual on the PEP, Sanctions & Adverse Media database.

Result FAQS

What data sources need to match for a pass?

Name verified: Must match name on one or more of Electoral Roll, Credit Header, or Landline First Name and Last Name together must match for it to be classified as verified.

DOB verified: DOB is always verified regardless of data as it is present on the ID document.

Address verified: Must match address on one or more of Electoral Roll, Credit Header, or Landline. Name must also match on the same data source.

Why didn’t the name or date of birth match any data sources?

It’s possible that your client’s personal information was submitted incorrectly so the wrong information was searched. Look at the extracted data in the result overview to see if it matches the data on the ID document. If it doesn’t match you can edit the captured information, or your client can do another verification and ensure their information is correct.

Once you have edited the information click submit, this will then change the verification from a review to a pass. Assuming the data is then available.

What do I do if my client’s address doesn’t match?

In this instance you have a couple of options. Ask your client for another address and search for their details via our Manual EIDV check or ask your client to provide address documentation just as they would with a manual verification process.

What if my client doesn’t have a DL or Passport?

The only ID documents we accept are Drivers Licences and Passports. If your client doesn’t have either of those, then you will have to revert to your manual identity verification process.

If there are any questions stemming from this document, please contact our Customer Success team on

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